Update February 10, 2024
Thank you very much for the support you have given us for my daughter, among all the encouraging messages and love you share, as well as the donations and proposals for work from the heart, thank you, we already have enough for my daughter’s doctors and studies, both January like February. We already have an estimate for my daughter’s surgery, it requires approximately $720,000 Mexican pesos (Almost 42,000 US dollars) it may be a little more, it will depend on the time of the surgery, an angiography, endovascular therapy and specialized brain surgery are required, it would be the same week these procedures. Regarding the date of my little one’s surgery, it will be the second week of March.
This is where we faced a difficulty, one of the loans we had planned was not approved, we looked for other alternatives to raise money, but we need 200,000 Mexican pesos (approximately 11,600 dollars), I am selling an apartment, you can see it here if you are interested, you can contact me directly, be used as a home or office, it will help us pay for loans, treatments and rehabilitation after the operation.
How you can help us:
You can help me by leaving a contribution in Paypal:
Or directly to a bank account, if you are from Mexico to:
CLABE: 002180700789146788
Name: Samantha Villarreal Torres
Bank: CitiBanamex / Banamex
Concept: Goes for Andy
I am not an NGO, I am a natural person with business activity, so I can only issue invoices of that type.
Another way to help us is by hiring my online training, conferences and consulting services with Microsoft 365 technologies, including Copilot (Artificial Intelligence) also if you require custom developments or Power Platform, we can review it, for that you can write to me: samantha@samantha365mx.com or by whatsapp +52 55 3929 7651. Click here for information for companies
You can also share an image or a very encouraging thought for my daughter here
And sharing this information on your social networks #VaPorAndy
Thank you in advance, receive a big hug!!